
Ark House FanStation is a fan department of Ark House studio :) It's dedicated to my random fan activities, mainly related to the C2SQ fan sequel. I'll be posting some other stuff here someday in the future.

Castlevania: The Seal of The Curse
Unofficial Simon's Quest Sequel.

An expanded version of TSOTC (2020).

??? ??? ???
No idea what it is...


+ In this section I’ll gather the posts that have no (or little) connection to myself as a video game developer. No obvious theme, so it can be anything.

Ark House Telegraph related:
Getting Back(); 

VG Top Lists:
Super Top 10 


  1. Hey buddy... found a pretty serious bug to where I can't advance myself in the game any longer. After falling through the secret water passage i hit the switch and the wall did not open from above. Tried restarting the game from my save point and its still the same issue. Im unable to go any further in the game sadly until the bug seems to be worked out or fixed. Appreciate the time

    1. There are 2 secret water passages in that place. To open the door you have to press 2 switches.

    2. Considered, you,ever A possibility of rather choosing two — among others — for presently-better experiences at that isolated but qualified local and time, maybe? I'd like to finish all of those missing tasks myself here-and-there, especially off-water-segment inspirations,AND such nicer settlements could not-only evolve receivings of supplies but become unexpected reply to such blindly-failed trap. Responding unusually to any devicy arrangements,should they done,clock-wisely at least.Dear.

  2. I just beat your Castlevania curse! its fantastic! I really enjoy it very much! Thank you very much! Keep rocking!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing!

  3. Just saw a video analysis about your games. And as a lithuanian myself, I'm blown away. Is there any other platform I can follow/support your work on?
